Your Company

Mofet - Privacy and Policy

Mars, 2024

Welcome to the MOFET application (hereinafter, the application). The application was designed and designed for the MOFET family with an emphasis on providing a professional-social response to our students. For reasons of convenience only, the ceremony below is written in the masculine language, however, the text is addressed to both our female and male students.

Using the MOFET application you can get a professional-social answer to your questions in physics, mathematics and in general. The application allows you to distribute a question as text (written question), as a video or as a picture and ask for an answer from the other applet users - this is the social characteristic of the applet. That is, without necessarily knowing someone The second, you are invited to answer the questions asked and thus help others by contributing your knowledge and understanding.

However, as in any virtual, Internet or cellular system, there are users who may abuse the platform, so we invite you to be aware of the content of the questions and answers. If you come across content distributed in the application that is inappropriate, whether it is a video, image, offensive text or even a thread of questions and answers that is inappropriate, click on the "abuse" button and the user(s) will be blocked immediately, pending a thorough examination of the content published by editorial team.

The MOFET team wishes all our students a pleasant use and look forward to the application and good luck in your further studies.

The application was established and is managed by the Moftnetwork for excellence in education. The Moftnetwork (mathematics, physics and community culture) is a public institution - non-profit, which promotes academic and social excellence, while striving for the continuous development of a value-oriented Israeli community. The Moftassociation has as its main goal to bring about change significant in Israeli society in the field of education, the development of thinking and education for values. This change will only occur through an educator who knows how to lead his students to the development of creative thinking, striving for excellence, instilling values and will be a source of authority for thinking and inspiration for exemplary students. In order to fulfill the purpose of the association in the best possible way, The association opened the Mofat application that will allow every student to submit questions in the fields of mathematics and physics and receive answers using the crowd wisdom approach.

The association respects your privacy and is committed to protecting it. Therefore, the following is the privacy policy and terms of use of the platforms:

1. Review the terms of use and the privacy policy, before use:

1.1. The use of the application and the information that appears in it is subject to the terms of use and the privacy policy. Therefore, it is requested to review this page - in its entirety - carefully and grammatically,And in particular in the chapter on the special instructions regarding the privacy of the use of the application. Because the terms and privacy policy cannot be changed. Therefore, the use of the information, including the use of the application, indicates acceptance of the terms of use and the privacy policy. Since these are the terms of use and this is the privacy policy - and they cannot be changed - if something is not acceptable to you, it is correct not to use the platforms at all.

1.2. The association requires the users of the platforms to act in accordance with the policies and conditions that will be detailed; And they apply to any use of any kind. Since these are dynamic matters, the association may change the privacy policy and terms of use, and it is appropriate to be updated on the matter.

2. The use of platforms:

2.1. The users of the platforms will not interfere with their normal operation; And in the meantime, they will not take any action - of any kind - and will not participate in any action (including indirectly or through another) whose purpose or probable result is sabotage of the platforms' activity. Among other things, but not only, no spam will be distributed, and no action will be taken with the purpose of overloading the servers that store the platforms. In addition, the users will not do any action that could lead to the distribution of malicious software, code, or files that could harm in one way or another the activity of the platforms or the other users.

2.2. The users will not use the content of the platforms, except for the purpose of reviewing the information only (personal use). Meanwhile, unless written permission is given - and in advance - any software whose purpose or power is to search or scan or copy or reproduce automatically content related to the platforms or published on them will not be activated; And no means will be used, except by the association or with its prior written approval, the purpose of which is to collect information about the users of the platforms.

2.3. Do not copy anything from the content of the platforms, without obtaining the association's prior written permission; But it is allowed to refer to them, via a "live" link that allows full access to all content, without any difference from using the platforms themselves. However, it is strictly forbidden to refer to the platforms in any form or way, from websites or platforms that contain content prohibited by law or encourage prohibited actions according to the laws of the State of Israel; Including - but not limited to - offensive content (pornographic, racist or discriminatory).

2.4. The users of the platforms will not make any commercial use of them - or the content published on them - without the association's prior written consent.

2.5. The use of the chat bot in particular is at the sole responsibility of the user; And subject - of course - to the privacy policy and the special instructions detailed below.

3. Privacy Policy:

3.1. Without detracting from the special instructions chapter (chapter 4) when using the platforms, basic and non-disclosing information about the users will be collected for the purpose of adjusting the information, offers, advertisements and services that are found to be of interest to the users.

3.3. Without detracting from the chapter on special instructions, it should be noted that the information specified under section 3.1 is collected automatically and anonymously (in a way that does not allow identifying the users' personal details, but only their habits).

3.4. The users of the platforms allow the association to process, analyze and share statistical information, including with third parties, that will be collected during use. All this, to adjust the service provided to them.

3.5. The users of the platforms allow the association to run automatic tools for characterizing the use and operation of the platforms (including for personal adjustments).

3.6. The association undertakes to act to the best of its ability to protect the privacy of users. But the users of the website understand that it is not possible to protect the information in a hermetic and absolute way. In any case, the association will not hand over to a third party unrelated to it - and for foreign purposes - any details about the users of the platforms, unless a valid order is directed against it by a judicial authority.

4. The association's responsibility for the information and its correctness:

4.1. It will be emphasized that the information published on the platforms is not - and does not claim to be - used as a substitute for instruction / for a teacher / for educational and/or pedagogical guidance in the subjects of physics and mathematics.

4.2. The association does everything it can so that all the information displayed on the platforms is correct and accurate. However, the association does not guarantee the correctness of the information, and is not responsible for its content; Among other things, but not only, since the association uses information on behalf of third parties (which may also contain personal opinions); And since there may be inaccuracies anyway (including due to malfunctions and even human errors). Meanwhile, the users are responsible for using the information and acting in accordance with the information; And the association will not have any responsibility for damage - direct or indirect - caused as a result of incorrect or negligent use of information, or use of incorrect information. And accordingly, the users of the platforms will not have any claim, complaint, claim or demand against the association, which basically claims in connection with the correctness of the information.

5. Intellectual property:

5.1. All information in the way it is presented, and all intellectual property - starting with copyrights, passing through trademarks and designs - is exclusively owned by the association (or owned by a third party who has allowed the association to use the information or the intellectual property). Therefore, it is absolutely and expressly forbidden to copy anything from the platforms, or to use the intellectual property for commercial purposes or for any purpose that is not expressly permitted by the laws of the State of Israel.

5.2. Without detracting from the broad and absolute ownership, the website users undertake not to make any use - including copying, publishing or publicly displaying - the information owned by the association directly or indirectly; but through a "live" link that leads directly to the relevant platform (and provides a use that is no different from completely normal use of the platforms).

6. Provision of information to third parties:

6.1. The association will not, on its own initiative, give to third parties information that involves the disclosure of personal details about the users. However, in the following cases, the association may deviate from this instruction, and provide necessary information: (a) If a judicial order is directed against the association, the association will act on it; (b) If legal disputes arise between the association and the users, the association will be entitled to use the information it has collected; (c) if the use of the information is necessary to prevent serious damages immediately; (d) If the association changes the structure of its incorporation, it is better to use the information also in the new structure (and if this move is seen as a transfer to a third party, then this transfer is nothing but a transfer with the consent of the users).

6.2. The provisions of section 6.1 above do not apply to the use of statistical information or the transfer of statistical information, which does not reveal the identity of the users.

7. Use of "cookies" files and references to external websites:

7.1. A cookie (in Hebrew "cookies") is a file consisting of a collection of numbers or letters, and its purpose is to be used for verifying information, locating information, tracking, searching and accumulating information about the users of the network. The cookies demonstrate a given state during use, are created by the site's servers, are transferred to the browser and some of them are saved in the memory of the device on which the network operation was performed (some expire immediately upon closing the browser). Returning to surfing the network, using the same server that created the cookies, gives the server a practical possibility to identify the user and use the information accumulated in relation to him. Cuckoos are not software, certainly not spies, and have no power to do anything independently; And at any given moment (using the leading browsers) any user can block the use of cookies or delete those that have already been created and saved.

7.2. The association uses cookie files for the purpose of banning statistical information; And the users of the website, by agreeing to the terms of use and the privacy policy, allow this.

7.3. The association also uses cookie files originating from third parties, including google analytics and other advertising services of Google and META (formerly Facebook). These files are intended for displaying ads, offers and publications, customized and based on the personal habits of the users (retargeting). The cookie files originating from META will assist in displaying information originating from the platforms it operates, including by marking preferred content and recommendations on other content that may - based on user preferences - be of interest to them.

7.4. The users of the platforms who do not wish to receive cookie files, can change the settings of the browser they use in a way that reflects their preferences (and as mentioned, using the browser settings even delete any such file).

7.5. As detailed above, the use of the platforms may lead to advertisements, offers of services, etc.; and in the process, also to referrals to external websites. It is clarified and emphasized that the association has no connection or responsibility for the cookie files - and the policy of their use - on external websites; and it is recommended that the users of the website check the privacy policy and conditions The use of any external website to which you are directed.

8. Contact forms:

8.1. A contact form appears in the application. Sending the form is like a confirmation to keep the personal details sent, and to use the details.

9. General and variations:

9.1. Reporting a violation of privacy: If you believe that privacy has been violated during or due to the use of the platforms, please contact the association through the applet.

9.2. Applicable law: The laws of the State of Israel shall apply to the provisions of the terms of use and the privacy policy. And the local authority in relation to any dispute related to these instructions, will be the competent courts in the Haifa District and the Central District.

9.3. The association does not undertake to operate the platforms; and its exclusive right to stop their operation at any given moment, or to change the nature of their operation without any reason or prior notice. The users of the website will not have any claim, claim, complaint or demand in connection with the termination of the activity or change in its nature.